فارسی عربي

Keep rolling in Iran’s Torkaman Sahra hills

iFilm website takes you to virtual tour of green hills in Iran’s Torkaman Sahra.

Website of iFilm English TV takes you to virtual tour of green hills in Iran’s Torkaman (Turkmen) Sahra.

Every corner of Iran is rich with countless must-see places. This time we will take a trip to a place with temperate weather and lush vegetation, some of which have medical usage.

Torkaman Sahra in north of Golestan Province, with its spectacular rolling green hills, is a great destination for those who wish to seek solace in the heart of a generous nature.

The shape of the hills in the region has given it the name of “Hezar Darre” (dubbed a thousand valleys in English).

On your trip here, make sure to look for medicinal herb and delicious wild mushrooms if you are lucky enough.

Besides, in spring, the plains of the region are covered in red with the poppy flowers adding enormously to the beauty of the site.

